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Commonly Asked Questions – retirement planning

Retirement is a major milestone in life, representing the end of years of hard work and dedication. It’s a time to enjoy the freedom to pursue your passions and interests without being tied to a work schedule. However, to make the most of your retirement years, careful planning and consideration is key, particularly when it...
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How women can future-proof their wealth

Planning for retirement is a daunting task but it’s too important not to think about – especially for women. Fortunately, there are some small steps women can take today to protect and grow their finances for the future. It’s probably no surprise to hear that Australian women often retire with less money saved up than...
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What worries you about aged care?

If you are worried about the need to access aged care, you are not alone. When the time comes, it can be daunting, with a lot of new information to take in and many decisions to make.  The responsibility to make the right decision for yourself or a loved one may weigh heavily on your...
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Going for Gold

Gold fever is in the air and it’s not just the prospect of medals at the upcoming Paris Olympics. Gold prices have been climbing strongly in 2024 as investors, jittery about the effects of wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, buy up the asset because of its reputation as a safe haven. The spot...
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To sell or not to sell is the question for moving into aged care

Moving into residential aged care can trigger a range of emotions, particularly if it involves the sale of the family home. What is often a major financial asset, is also one that many people believe should be either kept in the family or its value preserved for future generations. Whether or not the home has...
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New Financial Year, New You

A new financial year can bring a chance to reset and focus on your investment goals.  For many, a new year brings new beginnings and a chance to reset and focus on what matters most. So, a new financial year is a well-timed opportunity for some to reflect on the year that’s been and renew...
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Get ahead of frailty with a life plan

The COVID-19 pandemic gave us all a sneak peek into what life might be like if we lost independence and mobility. But what if the limitations were not due to an international pandemic and were not affecting everyone in your street, but just you? What if it was your own personal capacity (physical or mental...
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Enjoy the now and secure your future

Managing your financial situation always involves tension between how you live your life now and preparing for your future – whatever that looks like. The worry about not getting the balance right and making unnecessary sacrifices now – or not having enough money for the things you want to do in the future is a...
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What does the budget mean for aged care?

This year’s Federal Budget focussed on the rising costs of living and how to help Australians manage. Before the Budget there was speculation that we would see changes for aged care funding and fees, but what made it into the Budget? This article takes a look at the measures in the Budget and how you...
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