Solutions to make your money work smarter

Understanding how to get the most out of your money can be confronting and a challenge no matter what your life stage. You can spend a lifetime thinking about the best way to manage our money and how to make your money work smarter but it’s not always easy to know who to turn to for help.

You know the lifestyle you want to achieve but do you know how to achieve it!

Achieve your lifestyle goals

Financial advice can help you achieve your lifestyle goals at any age and any stage, whether you’re just getting started or ready to retire.

Our focus is to work with you to understand what your dreams are, define your goals and align them with a unique financial plan designed for you. Most importantly, we help you put your plan in place and make sure you stay on course to achieve your dreams.

Are you ready to find your pathway to advice?

Be ready for an independent retirement of comfort and choice

Working with the Direct Advisers Team

We are independent retirement planning specialists based in Port Macquarie, NSW and we have been supporting and guiding our clients for over 30 years.

Together we help you to understand the implications of the financial decisions that you make. We offer our experience and expertise to guide and support you as you plan for the retirement lifestyle that you want and ensure that your money lasts as long as you do.

We view our relationship with you as a true partnership and the good news is that designing the right advice for you starts with a plan and a few basic principles. It all starts with getting to know you and taking you through each important stage of the financial advice process.

How else can we help you?