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How to end the financial year on a high note

As the financial year draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to review your financial affairs and set the stage for a successful new financial year. By taking care of essential tasks and implementing strategic planning, you can position yourself for a smooth transition and a strong start for the year to come. Topping...
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Transitioning into retirement: what you should know

Deciding on your retirement funding options comes down to personal choice. If you’re close to retirement, chances are you’ve already spent time thinking about how to tap into your superannuation when you retire. Broadly speaking, you have a few options when you retire, as long as you’ve reached the minimum ‘preservation age’ when you’re allowed...
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If aged care is confusing – get advice

Many people think they can’t afford to get aged care advice, but the reality is you probably can’t afford not to get advice. RADs, DAPs, MPIRs, MTAs and ACATs !! These are just a few of the acronyms you will face when navigating aged care decisions. It might even feel like you’ve landed in a...
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Living your best life in retirement

If you’re nearing retirement age, it’s likely you’re wondering if you will have enough saved to give up work and take it easy, particularly as cost-of-living increases hit some of the basic expenses such as energy, insurance, food and health costs. Fortunately, someone has already worked out what you might need. The Association of Superannuation...
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Caught in the middle: help for the sandwich generation

If you are feeling a bit like the meat in the sandwich you are not alone. The ‘sandwich generation’ is a growing social phenomenon that impacts people from all walks of life, describing those at a stage of their lives where they are caring for their offspring as well as their elderly parents. The phenomenon...
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The potential estate complexities of dying without a will

Having a legally valid will can go a long way to avoiding disputes over the division of your assets.  What did the artist Picasso, musicians Bob Marley and Aretha Franklin, and billionaire entrepreneur Howard Hughes have in common? You would be correct if you think they had amassed large fortunes before their deaths. But another...
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Maximising wealth together: Super contributions for your spouse

Maximising super contributions for your spouse is a smart financial move that can benefit both your partner and your family’s long-term financial security. By actively contributing to your spouse’s super account, you not only help them build a more substantial retirement nest egg, but also enjoy potential tax benefits in the process. However, it’s essential...
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Getting your RAD back

The money you pay as a lump sum for your residential aged care room will be refunded to your estate – so what do you need to know about when and how your money is refunded? Accommodation payments (called Refundable Accommodation Deposits – RADs for short) are one of the most misunderstood areas of residential...
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Markets love certainty but what happens next?

Financial markets can be like finely tuned racehorses, poised to gallop ahead under ideal conditions but often highly reactive to unexpected events. It’s often said that the markets love certainty. Investors feel more confident when economic conditions are stable and predictable. But certainty in financial conditions is never a sure thing. Uncertainty is always just...
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