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New Increased Super Contribution Caps

As the end of financial year gets closer, some investors are thinking about the most effective ways to boost their super balance, particularly with an increase in the caps on contributions from 1 July. The concessional contributions cap, which is the maximum in before-tax contributions you can add to your super each year without paying...
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Reducing risk in retirement

We all think things will turn out better for ‘us’ than ‘them’. Such optimism can serve us well in life, but when it comes to money, balancing bias with facts is a much safer option. When it comes to your retirement, there are four main risks that can impact your income: As you don’t know...
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Being informed is the key to avoiding scams

While it seems we all like to think we are clever enough to outwit a scam, Australians collectively lost more than 480 million to scams last year. Every year scammers get more sophisticated in the methods they use to part us with our money – or our valuable personal information. It’s important to recognise that...
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An easy guide to aged care fees

Are you confused about aged care fees and what they all mean? You are not alone. In this article, we simplify the basics of aged care fees for you. If you, or someone you love, need to make a move into residential aged care, understanding the fees and getting a clear picture of what it...
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Understanding the new $3m super tax

The much-debated tax on superannuation balances over $3 million is inching closer and those who may be affected should ensure they have considered the implications. Although it is not yet law, the Division 296 tax should be taken into account when it comes to investment strategy and planning, particularly in relation to any end-of-financial-year contributions...
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Superannuation and relationship breakdown

Overview If your relationship with your spouse ends, you should be aware of what can happen to the super entitlements of you both. The Family Court and super-splitting laws generally enable super interests (accounts in super funds) or super payments (pensions or annuities) to be split by agreement or court order if a relationship breaks...
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Managing your financial health

Understanding financial health Financial health is an important part of our lives. When we take care of our financial health we can better manage financial stress and achieve our financial goals.   Financial health is made up of three components:  When we maintain good financial health we’re in a better position to handle life’s ups and...
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Insurance is a sound investment

Managing risk is an essential part of investment strategy to reduce the potential for losses. Risk is not just associated with investing though – life can throw a curve ball or two and insurance is one way to manage risk in a broader context. It’s a matter of weighing up your risks and thinking about...
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Don’t panic – your starting fee may only be temporary.

Cashflow planning is important when moving into aged care, but plans can be thrown into chaos if your first invoice shows much higher fees than expected. This article sheds light on interim fees.  The first statement you receive when you move into residential aged care can be a shock, as fees might be far higher...
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