What to do if interest rates go up

What to do if interest rates go up

Higher interest rates can present unique opportunities for saving and potential portfolio rebalancing. As inflation continues to challenge the economy, it’s likely we’ll see interest rates rise and economic activity slow. However, that doesn’t have to be cause for panic—higher interest rates can present unique opportunities for saving and potential portfolio rebalancing. What do interest…

What is risk appetite?

What is risk appetite?

For some people, risk means excitement and opportunity. For others, it invokes feelings of fear and discomfort. We all experience a degree of risk in our everyday lives – whether it’s simply walking down the street or having investments in the share market.  Everyone has a risk profile that defines their willingness to accept risk….

The rise of the female investor

The rise of the female investor

While society continues to grapple with the factors driving gender and pay inequity, women are proactively turning to investing more than ever before. And in doing so, they are demonstrating a very competent and sensible approach to building up their wealth outside of superannuation. Each year Equal Pay Day, on a date calculated by the…