Going for Gold

Going for Gold

Gold fever is in the air and it’s not just the prospect of medals at the upcoming Paris Olympics. Gold prices have been climbing strongly in 2024 as investors, jittery about the effects of wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, buy up the asset because of its reputation as a safe haven. The spot…

Investing mistakes to avoid

Investing mistakes to avoid

Investing successfully and improving your investment portfolio can be as much about minimising mistakes as trying to pick the ‘next big thing’. It’s all about taking a calm and considered approach and not blindly following trends or hot tips. Let’s delve into some of the most prevalent investment mistakes and look at the principles that…



Diversification is an investment strategy that lowers your portfolio’s risk and helps you get more stable returns. You diversify by investing your money across different asset classes — such as shares, property, bonds and private equity. Then you diversify across the different options within each asset class. For example, if you buy shares, you buy…