Reducing risk in retirement

Reducing risk in retirement

We all think things will turn out better for ‘us’ than ‘them’. Such optimism can serve us well in life, but when it comes to money, balancing bias with facts is a much safer option. When it comes to your retirement, there are four main risks that can impact your income: As you don’t know…

Managing your financial health

Managing your financial health

Understanding financial health Financial health is an important part of our lives. When we take care of our financial health we can better manage financial stress and achieve our financial goals.   Financial health is made up of three components:  When we maintain good financial health we’re in a better position to handle life’s ups and…

How will you use your super

How will you use your super

We spend decades watching our super balances grow but for those thinking about retirement in the next few years, it can be confusing to work out how best to use your super. Here are some of the considerations for the popular options. Easing into retirement You can keep working and receive regular payments from your…