Banking on the Age Pension

Banking on the Age Pension

The ranks of Australians receiving the Age Pension are increasing. It’s important to understand who is eligible and its role in retirement planning. Just days before the 2023 Federal Budget was handed down on 9 May, the Australian Bureau of Statistics released a new report including data on the number of Australians receiving the Age…

Be aware and avoid elder abuse

Be aware and avoid elder abuse

The statistics on elder abuse are alarming, with almost 15% of older Australians estimated to be suffering elder abuse each year. The actual numbers are probably higher, as it is likely that not all cases are reported. This abuse often involves the misuse of an older person’s finances and assets by family members – often…

What is portfolio rebalancing?

What is portfolio rebalancing?

Just like your car needs a periodic service to stay in tune, here’s why you should rebalance your portfolio from time to time. A portfolio’s asset allocation reflects an investor’s goals and temperament—the need for return as well as the ability to withstand market turbulence. Over time, market fluctuations can affect your asset allocation weightings…

Say goodbye to tax troubles

Say goodbye to tax troubles

Do you find yourself drowning in random receipts when EOFY comes around? Learn to lodge your tax return the easy way with these last-minute and longer-term tax hacks. Tax paperwork is something few of us take in our stride. In fact, the majority of people hand over much of this responsibility to someone more qualified….