Retirement income and tax

Retirement income and tax

How much tax you pay on retirement income depends on your age and the type of income stream. For most people, an income stream from superannuation will be tax-free from age 60. How super income streams are taxed Types of super income streams Income from super can be an: What is taxable and what is…

Scams have rapidly evolved; this is what they look like now in Australia

Scams have rapidly evolved; this is what they look like now in Australia

Scammers are always on the lookout for new tactics and opportunities. Keeping your knowledge ahead of the curve is key to protecting your money and personal information. How scams are changing One of the more important changes to the nature of scams is their sophistication, which continues to increase. Scammers are always finding new ways…

Picking your retirement point

Picking your retirement point

One of the hardest decisions for many people – excluding those who want to keep on working – is choosing when to stop. There’s no mandated retirement age as such, although there are prescribed preservation ages when people can legally access all or some of their superannuation funds. Anyone turning 59 on or before 30…



Diversification is an investment strategy that lowers your portfolio’s risk and helps you get more stable returns. You diversify by investing your money across different asset classes — such as shares, property, bonds and private equity. Then you diversify across the different options within each asset class. For example, if you buy shares, you buy…

Prepare to Retire

Prepare to Retire

Preparing to retire is emotional and practical. Making a retirement plan can help you manage your finances, and cope better as your life and priorities change. Make a retirement plan Your retirement plan can be simple or detailed. Include: Think about when you want to retire There’s no set age you need to be to…